Covenant Community Preschool
We Shine!
​​Call for a tour today! 704-616-9253
A note from First ARP Pastor, Matt Kuiken
Dear Parents,
It is a great responsibility God has given us as parents, isn’t it? He has entrusted us with the precious gift of our children so that we might rear them to know and walk with Him. This spiritual training of our children starts the day they are born and requires great amounts of prayer and wisdom. Thankfully God doesn’t call us to this great task alone. He gives us one another to encourage and pray for each other. God also uses His church, the community of believers, to help support us as we help our children grow in him.
Here at First ARP, we have a special ministry to help our children grow in Christ. It is called Covenant Community Pre-School. This is a school with a Christ-centered curriculum, a dedicated staff, and an eye towards excellence in everything they do. Covenant Community Pre-School is designed to help your child grow spiritually, socially, intellectually and emotionally. So I invite you to consider sending your child to Covenant Community Pre-School. It is a great opportunity to start our children’s education from a Christian perspective within the safe environment of our church. May God give us the everyday grace we need to raise our kids in Him!
Love in Jesus,
Matt Kuiken
Pastor, First ARP Church of Gastonia