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Community Resources for Families

Housing/Shelter The Salvation Army

(emergency shelter for men, women, families) 704-867-6145

107 S. Broad St., Gastonia 28052

Catherine’s House, Inc.

(single women and women with children) 704-825-9599 Belmont, NC

Interfaith Hospitality Network (shelter for families) 704-854-9880 Gastonia, NC

With Friends, Inc. (shelter for homeless teens) 704-866-7774 2098 Keith Dr., Gastonia 28053

Adam’s House (residential program for men ages 18-21) 704-865-4563 

The Shelter of Gaston County (domestic violence shelter for women) 704-852-6000

Gastonia, NC 

Gastonia Housing Authority 704-864-6771 

Belmont Housing Authority 704-825-9376 

Mt. Holly Housing Authority 704-827-9025

Emergency/Financial Assistance Dept. Of Social Services (Emergency Assistance, Food Stamps, Medicaid) 704-862-7500

330 N. Marietta St. Gastonia, NC 28052

The Salvation Army 704-867-6145 107 S. Broad St., Gastonia 28052

St. Michael’s Catholic Church 704-867-6212 St. Vincent De Paul Ministry 704-864-3867 St. Michael’s Thrift Store 704-864-8646

Gaston Baptist Association 704-867-0905 607 Rankin Lake Rd., Gastonia 28052

Crisis Assistance Ministries (Gastonia residents only) 704-867-8901 805-B W. Airline Ave., Gastonia 28052

Belmont Community Organization (Belmont area residents) 704-825-4526 

Bessemer City Crisis Center (Bess. City residents only) 704-629-2147

Cherryville Area Ministries (Cherryville residents only) 704-435-3816

Community Relief Org. of Mt. Holly (Mt. Holly residents only) 704-827-0450

Dallas/High Shoals Christian Social Ministry (Dallas/High Shoals area only) 704-922-1236

Cramerton Ministerial Relief Fund (Cramerton residents only) 704-824-4286

S.O.C.K.S. (McAdenville area only) 704-827-8780

Counseling/Mental Health Resources

Local Emergency Resources:

Pathways Crisis Help Line Gaston Memorial Hospital

Local Counseling Services:

Carolina Center for Counseling Pathways Family Service, Inc. Support, Inc.

True Behavioral Healthcare Piedmont Psychological Associates Family Works

1-800-898-5898 704-834-2000

704-861-2234 1-800-898-5898 704-864-7704 704-865-3525 704-854-4840 704-861-0271 704-853-8227

Medical/Dental Resources for Low-Income Persons Gaston County Health Services (WIC) 704-853-5113

Gaston Family Health Services 704-853-5079

Dept. of Social Services (Medicaid) 704-862-7500

Dental Clinic of Gaston County 704-853-5191

Crisis Pregnancy Center of Gastonia 704-867-3706

Hospice of Gaston County 704-861-8405

Covenant Community School, INC

3415 Union Road

Gastonia, NC 28056


Non-Discrimination Clause

We shall not participate in practices that discriminate against children by denying benefits, giving special advantages, or excluding them from programs or activities on the basis of their race, religion, sex, national origin, or the status, behavior, or beliefs of their parents.

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