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 It is our goal to make a high quality; Christ-centered preschool experience available to Gaston County families who desire the preschool experience for their child. Donations from our community and fundraisers make it possible for many families to gain partial financial help.

Scholarship forms are downloadable from this page.

Scholarships are considered when all the below criteria is provided on the scholarship form. 

  • documented household income

  • documented monthly bills

  • disclosure of the number adults living in the home

  • disclosure of the number and ages of the dependent children living in the home

  • a brief statement describing circumstances is provided

Why do families have to pay part of the tuition?

One key component of educational success is parental involvement. Making a financial sacrifice is a strong incentive to getting, and remaining, involved. 


CCP offers families confidentiality when awarded financial assistance.

Reasons to Donate to CCP

When you give to CCP your gift will enable us to offer scholarship help for a family in need.

All donations to CCP are leveraged. The recipient families also pay a portion of the tuition.

Every donation to CCP is fully tax-deductible. 

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Blessing our Community.... Building God's Kingdom

Click the link below for the

scholarship application.

Covenant Community School, INC

3415 Union Road

Gastonia, NC 28056


Non-Discrimination Clause

We shall not participate in practices that discriminate against children by denying benefits, giving special advantages, or excluding them from programs or activities on the basis of their race, religion, sex, national origin, or the status, behavior, or beliefs of their parents.

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